Crusaders Alumni Fund
New in 2020, the Crusaders Alumni introduced the Crusaders Alumni Fund, a charitable fund intended to raise funds for short-term projects and provide additional support to the club. The Crusaders Alumni Fund enables club alumni to support the Crusaders Rugby Club in a variety of ways including small capital projects, capital equipment purchases and other projects. The fund is governed by the Crusaders Alumni board who will prioritize projects for the year and is intended to assist the club to implement, acquire and retain the best available facilities, equipment and provide ongoing funding for key club projects.
The Crusaders Alumni Fund is administered by Sport4Ontario, a not-for-profit nonpartisan organization dedicated to the promotion of sport and physical activity in Ontario and a partner in the National Sport Trust Fund (NSTF).
Donors to the Crusaders Alumni Fund will receive charitable donation tax receipts for their donations, participation in fundraising events and other forms of charitable giving to the Annual Fund.
Fund Mandate/Description
The Crusaders Alumni Fund supports the ongoing development and growth of the Crusaders Rugby Club.
The proceeds from this fundraising will be directed for use by the Crusaders Alumni to fund the following:
- Facilities and clubhouse upgrades
- Equipment
- Capital projects
- Strategic projects funding
- Player Development/Scholarships