Refund Policies
Refund of the various portions of the total fee are governed by the Rugby Canada, Rugby Ontario and Crusaders refund policies.
If you would like to initiate a refund request, please follow the refund instructions provided on the Rugby Ontario website or go directly to Sportlomo and login to your account.
- If it has been less than 15 days since you have registered and you have not yet played a game for your club, you can request an automatic refund through your SportLoMo account. Please make sure 24 hours has lapsed since registering before attempting to request a refund.
- If it has been more than 15 days since you have registered and you would like a refund, you can request a manual refund through your SportLoMo account. Once you have put your refund request through, it then needs to be approved by each party (Crusaders Rugby Club, Rugby Ontario, Rugby Canada) involved in the refund.
- Refunds that fall outside of the 15-day window from the original purchase shall be reviewed by all member organizations and processed on an individual basis.
- Under no circumstances will the Crusaders Rugby Club issue any refunds after October 31st of any year, irrespective of the date of registration.
Refund Requests
To initiate a refund request, please follow the refund instructions provided on the Rugby Ontario website or go directly to Sportlomo and login to your account and request a refund.