Crusaders Rugby Club Announces the launch of a 6-team Inter-Club Co-Ed Touch Rugby League!!!
To build on our great season, we are excited to offer our members a co-ed touch league on Friday nights starting September 15 ending on October 27 (6 weeks).
If you are currently a registered playing or social member, there will be no cost to join this season extending league. If you are not registered, please click the button!
YOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO PLAY! (it’s an insurance thing)
We are looking for 6 teams to play 2 x 20 minute games each night. Games will be played 7 v 7.
If you want to enter a team, please email Pat Daniels (see below) with the names of your players.
Team Requirements:
Minimum Players / Team: 9 Players
Maximum Players / Team: 12 Players
Minimum Age Grade: U18+
Minimum Co-Ed Gender Split / Team: 2:1 (i.e. 6 men and 3 women, or 7 women and 4 men, you get the idea) with a minimum of 2 women per team on the field at all times.
So get your phone out this long weekend and start reaching out to your mates to get your CO-ED CRU together. All teams should be formed, named and submitted to Pat by September 14th.
If you can’t fill an entire team, but you get mostly there, submit your team anyway and Pat will fill in the missing players with single players.
If you are a single player, email Pat and you will be assigned to a team.
The bar will be open afterwards for Friday Night Socials.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Contact: Pat Daniels (