Convergint is a Global based systems integrator! Yeah, me neither. Basically speaking,Convergint works alongside a global network of partners and manufacturers to design, install, and service security, fire alarm, life safety, audio-visual, and building automation solutions for enterprise customers. Sounds to me like if you’ve got something worth securing and keeping safe, and perhaps you need it integrating with something else… that’s what they do. Okay, so I’m not going to be the next Convergint sales guy but that’s not the point. Regardless of how well they do what they do, what’s more impressive is the culture of this amazing company.

June 7, 2024 marked Convergint’s 23rd Annual Social Responsibility Day. Since 2002 the first Friday of June every year, Convergint closes its doors for business and gives back to the communities that they belong to. Last year (2023), the Company as a whole had a huge impact with their theme of “A Foundation of Service”. Soak in these impressive stats.

This year, 2024, the theme was Create the WOW! and Convergint Senior Project Manager and Cru parent, Ian Young, convinced his team that what better way to Create the WOW! than to take our Not-for-Profit club and give it a bit of TLC. Well, that’s exactly what they did. 

With 23 volunteers, tools and consumables in hand, and an estimated 184 labour hours they took Oakville’s rugby club to heart and got the park in “ship shape and Bristol fashion” (if you don’t know what that means… just make something up, that’s what I do!). Some of the mini-projects they undertook included:

  • Weeding the playground so children can play free from fear of being attacked by a triffid or tripped by an overzealous dandelion. They also beautified it with some flower boxes! 
  • Repairing bleachers so supporters and parents (often the same people!) can watch their teams without toppling off of a wobbly platform. 
  • Rebuilt cricket screens so… c’mon do you really need me to explain this one…? Oh, you do… that’s nice! 
  • Lined the pitches, so players can run down the wing and clearly know where they are relative to in or out of bounds… some of the lines were even straight, however, the wonky one probably earned us a try in the game against Waterloo the following day! Thanks, we always knew your gift of service would have a broader impact than the obvious! 
  • Laid flagstone outside the changing room door so that we don’t lose any more budding rugby stars to the “bog of eternal stench” on rainy game days. 
  • Plus lots, lots more.

And it’s not just a company thing, family are encouraged to help out too. Convergint’s service supervisor brought out his entire family, and though his daughter was involved in “Wonkylinegate”, we are eternally grateful for the time and effort of everyone involved. It’s humbling to see a group of this magnificence, bend a knee and give back to the Oakville community. Bravo!

In a role reversal, Cru groundskeeper, Hudson Young, got to boss his dad around for the day. I’d like to have been a fly on the wall at dinner that night. A further, as yet unconfirmed, rumour has also been circulating ever since I made it up, that the ladies of Convergint took the “Create the WOW!” literally and gave Cru President, Chris Tudor-Price a full makeover including eyebrow trim, head polish and a bikini wax. He was falsely reported as saying he felt 13.125 Million ZAR (approximately CAD $1m). I know, because I made that up too.

On behalf of Crusader’s Rugby Club, I only have one word to say to Convergint (and the Young’s) and that word is “Plethora” and that’s because it mean’s a lot! Best of all, they said they’ll definitely be back next year, which, while excitingly reassuring also begs the question… how bad of a state are we in!